Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stick to math Pascal

Blaise Pascal is famous for the Pascalian wager. It's sometimes used in witnessing; showing how even though you can't prove God's existence beyond the shadow of a doubt it's a good idea to believe in Him. The logic goes, if I believe in God and am wrong, little is lost, if you don't believe and are wrong you're in trouble. I think Paul would have serious issues with Pascal. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied. 1 Cor 15:19 There are certainly numerous benefits to walking with Christ in this life, in following the commandments, but Paul said if there is no resurrection he was a joke. He was someone who should be pitied. Why in the world would someone risk their neck for nothing? In 1 Corinthians 15:12 19 Paul explains why the resurrection is so foundational.

  1. If there isn't a resurrection our faith and preaching is in vain. There is no point. It's meaningless.
  2. If there isn't a resurrection we are found to misrepresent God.
  3. Our faith is futile without the resurrection. It's powerless.
  4. We would be still in our sins if there was no resurrection. Instead of in our sins, we're in Christ. Through His death, burial, and resurrection we have be cleansed of our sins and given victory over death.
  5. Without a resurrection, those that have passed away have perished.


I think I have an idea of what Pascal meant when he made the wager, but without the resurrection Christianity fails. The good news is Christianity doesn't fail, because Christ doesn't fail. Live in such a way that it shows you believe in the resurrection. This truth should cause us to take risks, to do things that don't make sense in the world, and even make us look foolish to others. The truth of the resurrection changes things, it should change you. Our preaching or faith isn't in vain and you will not be found in your sins if you're found in Christ.




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