Sunday, September 26, 2010

Extra: 4 yr old marries child that he bore himself

I was just searching through our denominational magazine looking for something edgy to write about.  Some doctrinal thing that I could straighten out.  Some poorly written letter to the editor that I could tear to shreds.  Some current situation that I could shed some biblical light on.  Then I went to my 3 sons room to clean up pee off the floor.  My son who turned 4 yesterday told me that when he had a baby from his tummy he was going to marry it.  Seems like I may have bigger fish to fry. 

As Christians we like to set up straw men to shoot down.  We pick pet sins and assault them ruthlessly.  Drinking, gambling, and abortion are common topics in pulpits across America.  Some pastors speak so passionately against abortion, as they should.  Since it's a sin they don't do, they really can let people have it.  Do you ever wonder what it would be like if a woman who had an abortion was in the room?  It's one thing to point out sin, it's another to attempt to shame people to death.  Especially, when the same well meaning pastor doesn't tell them what amazing grace and forgiveness there is in Jesus. 

My church like most Southern Baptist churches has a covenant we kind of follow.  We love that it says things about certain sins.  The thing is it also tells us that we're supposed to have devotions with our family.  Somehow, people don't worry about that.  I want to be a man that's the same in and out of church.  I want to be a man that teaches my son that men don't have babies and it's wrong to marry your child. 

Deuteronomy 6: 7 tells us that we're supposed to teach our children the statutes of God when we sit in our house, when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we wake up.  In other words parents are constantly teaching their children God's word in the everyday context of life.  In vs 20. it says that your son will ask you someday what is all of this stuff about?  You then get a chance to tell them how God is our deliverer and has our good in mind.  Loving and leading your family is far more important than finding something interesting to write about. 

Instead of picking on other people's sins how about you pick on your own for a while.

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