Thursday, September 23, 2010

Stupid Apologies

I just read an article on how in 2009 Southern Baptists apologized to black people about their stance on slavery.  Episcopalians got into the act as well and apologized for slavery.  I'm a proud Southern Baptist,(see how I capitalize it, that proves I'm proud), but I think this is stupid.  While we're at it, as Christians we might apologize for other things that we've did wrong.  For instance, how about the crusaded or even worse the monster that is Christian television.  Horrible!  C.S.Lewis wrote an article for The Guardian called "Dangers of National Repentance"  The gist is it's dangerous to apologize for something we hate in someone else.  We become proud of our confession, receiving the therapeutic pleasure from that, but don't have to repent of anything.  Proverbs tells us that sin is meant to be confessed and forsaken.  The freedom center website says there are between 12 and 27 million people still in some form of slavery today.  How about we try to fix that.  Instead of confessing past wrongs let's hate sin and fight for righteousness now.  I want to tell you that it is biblical to confess our nation's sins.  That's good, but let's make sure we do something about it as well.

1 comment:

  1. agreed. And I'm NOT a Southern Baptist...but I capitalized it :)
