Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's good to be a part of a family

At one time I was separated from God.  I was outside the family without any hope.  God in His infinite mercy brought me to His family by the grace of His son Jesus Christ.  Eph 2: 12-13  So when a family takes in an orphan, they're making the gospel visible.  They're giving somebody a family, a second chance.  God is glorified in this. 

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this; to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.  James 1:29

The church has a job to do and I think is getting better at it.  We are to adorn the gospel with good works.  This isn't a guilt trip for you guys to do foster care.  It isn't everybody's calling, but I do ask you to pray for those kids in care.  I do ask you to look at your life and ponder how you're fleshing out the gospel.  People need to hear it, but they need to see it as well.  A lot of us are good at talking about the gospel or talking about the bible.  Do you remember what John 13:35 says?  By this they'll know that you're my disciples, if you blog.  No! If you talk about your church or quote bible verses.  No, they'll know by you're love for one another.

Check out this site.  I get a lot of my ideas from these guys.  In fact I stole the first part of this posting from a guy name Dan and article called Adoption is Gospel Re-enactment. 

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